Words from Academic Director

It all began With a personal need for my own family where I seeked for activities and friends where we could be involved.
I prayed that God would open doors for my children's needs and asked him to use me with my talents. Never expecting that he would answer with much more. Little did I know what God was preparing and the project he had in mind. A beautiful ministry, an understanding of the calling to my life!
God confirmed my prayer and guided my heart in a decision and direction 18 yrs ago. A change that I would never think would be not only my purpose as a mother but a beautiful ministry with my family.
In a small room that was my living room and dining room, this became our first school. With two small IKEA desks and beautiful colorful posters on the walls. And a lot of didactic material, and beautiful curricula that focused on God's principles, my husband and I decided to take this step of faith and commit ourselves to him.
We understood our Commitment to what He had given us. What is the most beautiful and to treasure, which are our children. We understood what the word of God says and what we learned over time as to the responsibility of what he called us to do .... Educating our children, guarding their hearts and bringing them to the knowledge of Christ.
In a little room and a small ceremony, we dedicate our school and our children to God. That day thus sealing our decision and commitment with God. we started the most beautiful and the best decision for our lives. Even this day I remain determined that I would never go back to the old way and conventional education traditions. Today I know what God has given us to our family, much more than we have ever imagined.
That day was a step of faith to the unknown... I did not understand what I now know...
It is a heartfelt blessing to have our children close and to know their hearts. To experience and be able to share daily memories and have time for the little details. To sit and share the word of God daily while having breakfast. To feel the joy that comes to my heart when my boys kiss and hug me when doing their school work correctly or understanding what they have learned. Confirming in my heart what God had shown me, what he had called me to do and the direction he wanted for my life and that of my children. That this was worth much more than academics and my personal time or professional carrier. And like this, so many memories that I treasure and will never forget and that I thank God for the time he has given us together.
That after all these years, I can say with confidence that my God was working on his perfect plan of what He wanted to do and now only by his grace has he born fruit and blessed in establishing this academic program.
As I write this to you today I remember where everything started years ago.
Now we share with you all that which God has given to us, and pray that in our service to you this will be a blessing to your life.
We pray for this legacy, New generations and his purpose of the calling of the hearts. Parents´ hearts to come back to the hearts of the children and the hearts of the children to come back to the hearts of their parents.
Malachi 4:6
Maureen Katase
BCA Academic Director

We believe and base our philosophy in Scripture where it clearly delegates the responsibility for the education of children to their parents.
While the church has responsibility to teach, and the government has responsibility to protect, it is the parents who are accountable to God to train, educate and disciple our children.
Deuteronomy 6:4-7 and Psalm 78:1-8
Our primary mission is to bless families through our Academic Program, to Educate with Excellence, and to reach children and their parents for Christ.
To unite and help integrate families to God's Biblical purpose.
And for God´s promise to be fulfilled in our families, where He will turn the hearts of the parents towards the hearts of the children and for the hearts of the children to be turned towards the hearts of the parents.
Malachi 4:6

Our goal is to assist parents in the education challenges, teach them how to develop in their children's character a love for God through a sound spiritual, academic, and physical education.
Education is more than information shared from one mind to another mind. It is life, modeled and invested in another life. I've said this before... Through our academic program God can reach and change the lives of three generations. Children, parents and sometimes even the grandparents. It is a calling and a ministry.
Our ministry is to assist parents in the education challenges in any country needed, teach them how to develop in their children's character a love for God .